Hans Halvorson Physics, Logic, Philosophy

Logic code

Computers can help a lot with logical thinking, but what’s easy for us to read or write is not necessarily natural for a computer to read or write. For example, while I would prefer to write “\(P\wedge (Q\to R)\)”, my computer would rather read something like And P (Implies Q R).

So, if we want to use computers to do logic, then we need to translate between our representational system and theirs. The code here aims to convert back and forth between plain text representations of formulas (with unicode characters for logical symbols) and data structures. It would be nice to be able to convert directly from handwriting, but that is beyond the scope of the current project.

This website is built with Hakyll, which is built on Pandoc, and both are written in Haskell. Pandoc parses a document in some standard format (e.g. markdown, docx, latex) into its own internal format, viz. an object \(X\) of type Pandoc, and it can then write \(X\) out again in any one of those standard formats. One also has the option of writing “filters”, i.e. functions that act on the intermediate Pandoc object before writing it out. What’s interesting about this setup — from the point of view of logic — is that we can embed data structures into the Pandoc object, and perform computations on them before creating the output.

Reading and writing proofs

The script lemmonFilter.hs takes code blocks labelled lemmon and creates a proof structure out of them, i.e. a list of proof lines, where each proof line is a triple consisting of reference numbers, formula, and justification. The input is expected to look like a manually typed proof in Lemmon1 format, wrapped in triple tick marks:

1    (1) ¬P                       A
2    (2) Q                        A
1,2  (3) ¬P∧Q                     1,2 ∧I
4    (4) (¬P∧(Q∨R))→¬(S∧(¬T∨U))   A

(It’s relatively pain-free to write such proofs by hand. It’s less pleasant to deal with adding whitespace or setting tab stops to create a nice-looking text document.) The parser expects whitespaces between the three columns, that the first column has a comma separated list of integers, and that the second column has an integer in parentheses. If the formula after the line number is well-formed, the parser transforms it into an object of type Formula.

There are many sorts of interesting operations one could do on Formula and Proof objects. For example, we could ask what the main connectives are of the formulas on the lines. Or we could ask if the proof is (syntactically) valid. We could also ask if a line is semantically valid, i.e. if the truth of the formulas on the reference lines entails the truth of the formula on the line.

Writing truth tables

Given a Formula, we can construct all of the relevant valuations (i.e. rows in a truth table), and we can ask whether the formula is a tautology, inconsistency, or contingency. We can also write a script to return a printed truth table of the formula. That’s how I produced the truth tables in solns5.

To do

  • Extend parsing to quantified formulas
  • Patch for emacs markdown mode that makes it easy to input Lemmon proofs
  • Proof checker that operates on objects of type Proof
  • Rendering to docx
  • Define a Haskell data type for Fitch style proofs
  • Transform between Lemmon and Fitch-style proofs
  • Collaborate with these guys carnap.io

  1. This kind of proof format appears in E.J. Lemmon Beginning Logic, published 1965. A similar format appeared simultaneously in works by Patrick Suppes. This format has a much steeper learning curve than proof trees, and even than Fitch proofs. However, Lemmon-style systems have marked theoretical advantages over Fitch systems.↩︎