The possibility of reduction (or denial thereof) plays a very
significant psychological role for many philosophers. The two extreme
positions are:
- Everything can be reduced to fundamental physics.
- There is stuff that cannot be reduced to fundamental physics.
There is an immediate question: what does “reduced” mean in these
sentences, and what is supposed to be reduced to what? When some
analytic philosophers tried to clarify the notion of reducibility with
syntactic tools, it was quickly pointed out that (1) is completely
implausible. For most philosophers, however, the response was not to
embrace (2), but to look for a more liberally defined relation that
plays a similar psychological role. For example, many philosophers
embraced the claim that everything “supervenes” on fundamental physics
— and when this proved problematic, they moved to the claim that
everything is “grounded” in fundamental physics.
- Cliff Hooker, “Toward a general theory of reduction”
Second order logic
Fact: Second order logic with Henkin semantics is “equivalent” to
a first-order theory.
- Maria Manzano, Extensions of First Order Logic
Ramsey sentences
Historical background
- Introduced in Ramsey, Frank P. “Theories.” The London, Edinburgh,
and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Series 7,
Vol. 7, No. 37 (1929): 697–707
- Taken up by Carnap in the 1950s
- Taken up again by David Lewis in (Lewis 1970) and (Lewis 1972)
- The Canberra plan
- (Melia and Saatsi 2006)
- (Dewar 2019)
Technical results
TO DO: Is there a connection between Ramsey definability and implicit
Dewar, Neil. 2019.
“Ramsey Equivalence.” Erkenntnis 84 (1): 77–99.
Lewis, David. 1970. “How to Define Theoretical Terms.” The Journal of Philosophy 67 (13): 427–46.
———. 1972. “Psychophysical and Theoretical Identifications.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 50 (3): 249–58.
Melia, Joseph, and Juha Saatsi. 2006.
“Ramseyfication and Theoretical Content.” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (3): 561–85.