This was the last time I taught the course in person, before the pandemic.
This was the first time I taught the course from the manuscript to How Logic Works.
Format: Two 50 minute lectures and one 50 minute precept each week
due date | pset | reading |
1st precept | 0 | Ch 1 |
2-13 | 1 | Ch 2 |
2-20 | 2 | Ch 3 |
2-27 | 3 | Ch 4 |
3-6 | 4 | Ch 5 |
3-13 | midterm | none |
4-3 | 5 | Ch 6 |
4-10 | 6 | Ch 6 |
4-17 | 7 | Ch 7 |
4-24 | 8 | Ch 7 |
5-1 | 9 | Ch 8 |
5-8 | 10 | Ch 9 |
final |
Homework Assignments (40%): There will be approximately one problem set per week, usually due on Wednesday by the beginning of lecture. Late homework will be accepted only in case of a documented medical emergency.
Midterm Exam (25%): Warning: Since there is a strict fifty minute limit on the midterm exam, you will be working under time-pressure. The way to cope with this issue is by consistently practicing in the weeks leading up to the exam. The better command you have over the easy stuff, the better you will perform on the exam.
Final Exam (35%)
Precept: Everyone must sign up for, and regularly attend, a precept — beginning on Wednesday of the first week of classes. For any logistical questions (e.g. requests to change precepts), email the head TA.