Hans Halvorson Physics, Logic, Philosophy


Entydig is a Danish portmanteau word, built from “en” (one) and the verb “at tyde”, which means something in the ballpark of “to interpret”. It is directly cognate to the German “eindeutig”, and when Bohr’s writings are translated into English, it is almost always rendered as “unambiguous”. The Danish or German reader may find that this word has some connotation of “objective”, and the connection does have historical roots.

“Demgegenüber dürfte gewöhnlich das Merkmal der sog. exakten Wissenschaften in dem Bestreben gesehen werden, Eindeutigkeit durch Vermeiden jeden Hinweises auf das betachtende Subjekt zu erreichen.” (Bohr 1929)

Bohr, Niels. 1929. “Wirkungsquantum Und Naturbeschreibung.” Naturwissenschaften 17 (26): 483–86.