Christian Christiansen
Christian Christiansen (1843-1917) was the one and only physics
professor at the University of Copenhagen when Niels Bohr was a
student. Christiansen was also good friends with Niels Bohr’s father,
Christian, as well as with the philosopher Harald Høffding.
Primary literature
- Indledning til den mathematiske Fysik, 1887.
- Lærebog i Fysik, several volumes
- Andet Bind: Elektricitet og Lys, 1894.
- H. C. Ørsted som Naturfilosof, 1903
- Nogle Bemærkninger om Naturvidenskabernes Betydning for vor Tid, 1905
- Lucretius’ og Descartes’ Fysik i Forhold til Nutidens, 1913
External references