logic pset9

Resources: Chapter 8 of HLW


For each of the following sequents, provide a counterexample to show that it is invalid.

  1. xFx → ∀xGx ⊢ ∀x(FxGx)

  2. x(FxGx) ⊢ ∃x(FxGx)

  3. ⊢ ∀xFx ∨ ∀x¬Fx

  4. x(FxP) ⊢ ∃xFx → P


For each of the following sentences, provide one interpretation in which it is true and one interpretation in which it is false. An interpretation may be presented by giving a set M and a subset RM of M × M, or it may be presented as an arrow diagram.

  1. xyz(RxzRyz)

  2. x(∃yRyx→∀zRzx)