logic pset2

Final version: posted Feb 5


Use Conditional Proof (and possibly the previous rules) to prove the following sequents. Be sure to include dependency numbers in the leftmost column of your proof.

  1. P → Q ⊢ P → (QR)

  2. P → (QR) ⊢ Q → (PR)

  3. ¬P ⊢ ¬(PQ)

  4. ¬(PQ) ⊢ ¬P

  5. P ⊢ (P→¬P) → ¬P

  6. P ⊢ ¬(P→¬P)


Use -elimination (and possibly the previous rules) to prove the following sequents. Do not use reductio ad absurdum for any of these proofs.

  1. P ∨ (QR) ⊢ P ∨ Q

  2. P ∧ (QR) ⊢ (PQ) ∨ (PR)

  3. P ∨ Q, ¬P ⊢ Q

  4. (PR) ∧ (QR) ⊢ (PQ) → R